Southwest Bureau of Nonferrous Geological Exploration
Southwest China Bureau of Geological Exploration
No. 272 Party of Bureau of Geological Exploration of Guangxi
Bureau of Geological Exploration of Hubei Province
No.1 Geological Team of Geological Exploration Bureau of Henan
Bureau of Geological Exploration of Hainan Province
Institute of Southwest Bureau of Petroleum
Nonferrous Metal Exploration Bureau of Southwest China
Bureau of Geological Exploration & Development of Hubei Province
Bureau of Geological Exploration and Mineral Development of Tianjin
Central Laboratory of Geological Bureau of Liaoning
East China Bureau of Geological Exploration for Nonferrous Metals
East China Geological Exploration Bureau of Nonferrous Metals
Hebei Institute of Surveying and Mapping of Bureau of Geological Prospecting
Qinghai Bureau of Geological Exploration and Mineral Development
Regional Geological Surveying Team of Geological Bureau of Xinjiang
Sichuan Bureau of Geological Exploration for Mineral Resources
The Third Geological Exploration Bureau of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
Geological Exploration Bureau of Nuclear Industry